Sunday, February 26, 2012

Quick update:

This sleepy lil pilgrim town is treating me well, and I will move to the island from the mainland today to go to this Ashram in Omkareshwar for a week, before catching a train to Mumbai for my last days there. Is it really almost over? I'm well within budget, which surprised me because I thought I really was not, so looks like I can do some shopping in Mumbai.

I'm about to attempt my first online train booking via credit card. I hope it will make me feel in the future that I can really do independent travel booking, without what seems like the obligatory dependence on travel agents here.
... It seems to be going in the right direction, so i guess i'll be on my way.

Unrelated (directly):
Where I try to write affects greatly what and how I write. Sitting in random internet places, for example this one, out on the busy (for this very small town) main street, with folks chatting and the deepfryer from the snack shop next door pouring heat on me, I really don't feel like writing on my experience. Or rather, I don't want to write about the experiences I WANT to write about. you can hear about the crazy streets and net cafe's all you want, but I imagine that's little.

Next time, I go italian style and bring a very small notebook computer.

UPDATE: I did it, booked my ticket online! Phew. I feel like a real traveller now...

Monday, February 13, 2012

Off to Orccha!



And just in time, before the big election day on wed, which will be accompanied by masses of security forces. Don't ask, just be glad I'm getting out.

Arriving to this homestay in Orchha on wednesday morning. Ciao!

Song of the day

Ever on the lookout for an Indian tune ripe for brass band arrangement (at the behest of Raya Brass Band), this mega-pop song has just hit the fan.

Wikipedia reports that this hit single released last year is from a Tamil film... that hasn't even been released yet! Whodathunkit?

If that isn't odd enough, here's the translation of the title: Why This Murderous Rage, Girl?

[Posted in Varanasi; leaving soon, I swear...]

Friday, February 10, 2012

Benares Blues

Next time, I bring a very small laptop for journaling while NOT in internet cafe's.
'Cause I have had plenty of time to write while on bedrest the last few days

For now, load this picture of the song I wrote today.

Monday, February 6, 2012


I feel like I should have more to say. And I probably too, just feeling tired. Perhaps rightly so.

Yesterday, Feb 4th, was the official last day of Project Oxymoron. Though I confess that in truth it ended during our last days in Mysore, a few weeks ago, when, essentially, we ran out of steam. I know I had. One or two serious Hatha yoga classes with Ramesh plus still 5 hours of other work, I was cooked.

... and now it turns out this cafe is closing earlier than I thought, and though the nice young guy named Sam said he'd be glad to stay open another half hour, he's talking to me incessantly, so its time to go. This seems to be my vibe in Varanasi today. oh well. back soon.